Yreka, North Residential Area, circa 1899
At this writing the New Year, 2009, is imminent! Often at the end of a calendar year reflections and remembrances are made. This historical post will focus on random happenings that have made the news in our rich and varied past.
W.W. Coryell and Bailey have opened a butcher shop next door to the Yreka House. We wish them success. June 18, 1862.
Wells, Fargo, & Co. Express office will move to-day to the building adjoining the Franco-American on Miner St., opposite Fourth. The Post Office will be removed to the corner of Third and Miner. September 27, 1862.
At three o'clock yesterday the telegraph reported that it was snowing and blowing at Yreka. This may be considered the latest news by telegraph, as the wire was down between Jacksonville and Marysville, making the fourth break since Tuesday. May, 6, 1864.
Great preparations are being made for the fair next week. More horses are training for the races than ever! October 5, 1870.
Yreka. The stage from Oregon was robbed this morning at 2 o'clock about ten miles north of here. Only one robber was seen, who stopped the driver. No passengers were on board. He took nine mail sacks and the express box. The latter contained only a small amount, but the mail probably had considerable. The officers are in pursuit. September 2, 1881.
While Mrs. H. McKay, a school mistress, was on her way to school about eight miles from Yreka, Monday, she was fiercely attacked by an infuriated steer in an open field. Being of great courage and quick perception she saw that her only safety lay in promptly taking the bull by the horns, which she did, and succeeded in warding off his attack until help came. February 22, 1883.
Yreka. It has been raining all day, with snow from four to five feet deep on the high mountains. The Klamath river is up about five feet, with prospects of a great freshet, unless the weather turns cold. January 8, 1884.
Yreka, July 25th.~The slaughter house of the City Market was burned again about 12 o'clock last night for the fourth time in three years. It was the work of incendiaries. The citizens are much excited and fear another incendiary crusade like that of 1882. July 26, 1884.
Counterfeit five-dollar pieces are being circulated in Siskiyou county, two of which, at least, are reported to have come from Scott valley. A drummer brought one over from Etna last week. The piece is a little darker color than Uncle Sam's money, and is about the right weight. There is no mint brand, but otherwise it is a good imitation of "honest" money.
February 27, 1897.
Fred Meamber, the popular and handsome proprietor of the Yreka Bottling Works, left yesterday for a business trip along the railroad.
Chas. A. Henry of Henley, who was shot through the fleshy part of the arm last week, is recovering rapidly under the treatment of Dr. Poole.
The Yreka Social Club will give a dancing party next Friday night, January 20, at the Peters and DeWitt hall. This will be a private affair for the members only.
January 18, 1899.
Compiled by Claudia A. East