Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yreka Studio & Snappy Goodrich 1930's & 40's

The ad shown is from a 1937 Yreka HS Yearbook. The image is of the building (taken winter, 2009) that housed the Yreka Studio while John David "Snappy" Goodrich conducted his business here in Yreka. The building is located almost behind the Ley Fire Station at 111 So. Oregon Street.

John D. Goodrich was born in 1899 and spent time in the Los Angeles area prior to coming to Yreka. In 1923 he married Minnie Dae Clodfelter. It has not been exactly determined what year he arrived in Yreka, but by 1933 he is listed in the Yreka City Directory operating the Yreka Studio. It is believed that the front half of the building was the Studio and the rear portion of the building served as his residence. The Yreka Studio was "the" place to have one's photo portrait taken, and he had a lively business with Seniors from the High School as well as other important events. During these years (1930's - 1940's) when one had a roll of film to be developed ~ it was taken to a photo shop and developed. One day service in automated machines was unheard of, not to mention digital images! In addition to his portrait studio, he was a active photographer in the post card business. Many of his post cards can be found from time to time on eBay, and they often command a good price! Next time you find a older postcard turn it over and look to see who the photographer or artist was, you may find a little treasure! Goodrich traveled up and down the North West taking photos for his postcard sales. By 1945 he advertised on the back of his postcards as "Snappy's Scenic Portraits of the West".

Snappy Goodrich operated the Yreka Studio for many years, in 1949 his wife, Dae, passed away and he continued for a short while in the business, but in 1951 he sold the business to a individual with the name of Young who carried on the Yreka Studio. In later years the business was known as the Yreka Studio and Camera Shop or commonly known as YS&CS.

Information on the Yreka Studio is relatively scarce while Snappy Goodrich operated the business, although his skill behind the camera will live on for many years yet to come.
Copyright: Claudia A. East, 2009

1 comment:

Vesparado said...

I lived in Yreka from 1946-1951 (my Dad was a reporter for the SDN and later worked for the Dodge and Chevrolet dealers). Before she married my Dad, my stepmother worked for Snappy, and I seem to recall that he also owned a drive-in that was on 99 fairly near the old Trailways Depot (could be wrong about that, however).