Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yreka Historic Preservation

The Yreka Carnegie Library Building
during construction

The City of Yreka is known as the city where "History Lives On"... and much of the history available is due to the wonderful archives at the Siskiyou County Museum (located in Yreka, the county seat) as well as a multitude of local authors who have thoroughly researched and written books, articles, pamphlets and produced videos about the past and its people and the news of the day. Within many of the organizations and activities that have promoted Yreka and Siskiyou County History have been two names that, in the past, have been most prominent: Fred J. Meamber and his wife, R. Bernice Soule' Meamber. These two individuals were influential in the founding of a number of local historical groups including the Siskiyou County Historical Society (1948), the Symposium Group of Historical Societies of Northern California and Southern Oregon (1952), and the Yreka Committee for Historic Preservation Corporation, founded in 1972.

Today the Yreka Historic Preservation Corporation continues and is actively recruiting new members interested in Yreka History and Preservation! In the past they have been involved in many activities in town and nearby areas to promote historic preservation to list just a few of their accomplishments: helped fund restoration of the Carnegie Library Building, provided funding for the Randolph Collier statue at the Siskiyou County Courthouse (Collier was a local State Senator from Yreka that served Siskiyou for many years), they also helped fund restoration efforts of the Montague Train Station, and placed historic signs throughout Yreka's residential districts that show the original owner of the home and year built.

Sample of a residential home marker/sign.

The Yreka Historic Preservation Corporation holds their main purpose as "to promote the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of historical buildings within the City of Yreka". They also host on their website a photo tour of historic homes and buildings that are still standing, as well as a photo tour of vintage images. For folks that are genealogists and are researching Yreka, you will also find a listing of the homes with historic signs and information at the website.

As an aficionado of local history, preservation ~ and the author of Yreka History I encourage you to consider joining the Yreka Historic Preservation Corporation ~ your dues will help preserve our fascinating history!
Claudia East

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