Monday, August 11, 2008

The Warrens Building 1930 ~ 1966

The Warrens Building is the largest building directly in the center of this image. For those of you not familiar with a 1930-ish view of Yreka the building took an entire block from the corner of Miner Street and Broadway (formerly Second St.) to Center Street. Immediately to the left of the Warrens Bulding is the Montgomery Ward Building, and next to it the Broadway Theatre. If one looks carefully a view of the Masonic Lodge second story can be seen in the photo and the white building next to it is the "remodeled" (for the date) Franco-American Hotel on Miner Street.

The Siskiyou News
ran an article about this new and exciting building in the paper on January 11, 1930. It was touted as being "Among Best in California". It was a two story building with offices on the second story and on the ground floor the north end of the building (at the corner of Miner and Broadway (then Second Street) was the new home for the First National Bank, and at the other end of the building on the ground floor was the Post Office. There were additional spaces for rent along the frontage of Broadway on the ground floor.

The concrete building was erected at a cost of more than $200,000 ~ not a amount to sneeze at during the depression! The newspaper describes the interior of both the Post Office, "furnished in oak and modern in every detail" as well as describing the types of fixtures and accommodations that will be available. The First National Bank was described as being "ornately furnished with marble wainscoting, tile floors and walnut woodwork". It also was to have a feature never before on the Pacific Coast! This was a "York night depository" where patrons could leave deposits and they would be safe.

On February 11, 1966 fire broke out in the upstairs of this building and it was damaged beyond repair. Sadly it is gone and today is a small bank on a portion of the lot along with parking on what was a icon of Yreka. This was once a wonderful example of Art Deco design that graced our little town.

For those of you with copies of our book Yreka, Images of America by Arcadia Publishing you will find a nice photo image of this building on page 41, it will give you a real sense of how the business street once appeared to residents and patrons alike.
Copyright: Claudia East, 2008.

1 comment:

  1. I seen the Yreka Hotel on N. Main street had a wrecking ball taken to it in 1977. In the 1980's Richard Dreyfeus looking for out of the way place to have a beer, so he stopped at the " Log Cabin " on Broadway st.
